Cool I was just about to post this write up when in researching some pictures to put with it I JUST found out Paul was touring this summer even coming back to Indiana in July. Sure wish my “editor” for my book here would give me an advance to go to this show, With things as bad as they are these days… I sure won't be going to this show Makes me sick to my stomach to even think about looking to see what ticket prices would be… Oh well I have my memories of better days… So!...
First of all…. gonna do a little copy and paste from Wikipedia… couple of facts here I wasn't aware of when I went to the show, or had at least forgotten since then >>The Paul McCartney World Tour was a worldwide concert tour by Paul McCartney during 1989 and 1990. It was McCartney's first major tour outing in ten years, since Wings UK Tour 1979, and his first appearances in North America in thirteen years, since the 1976 Wings Over America Tour. It was also his first tour under his name.
While the tour coincided with the release of his Flowers in the Dirt album, it was thematically more about his finally embracing his Beatles past, including for the first time, in any of his tours, a substantial number of Beatles songs in the set list.<<
There was a bit of a “mania” if-you-will about getting tickets so it doesn't surprise me that it hadn't been since the Wings over America tour that he been here. A triple album set that I spent hours pouring over the sleeves, posters and listening to and watching specials about that tour etc… I, of course, was a more a Wings fans since although slightly older than Mariel Hemmingway it was still applicable that I could relate more, for instance, to her line in Woody Allen’s Manhattan: something like, “The Beatles? Wasn't that Paul McCartney’s old back up band?”
In the 70’s “Band on The Run” “Helen Wheels” “Listen What the Man Said” etc.. were all over the AM dial, and of course the very first single I ever bought? Bond… baby, James Bond… lol “Live and Let Die” Oh yeah!… Yes, the Apple label became common place in my little 45 box with the little metallic flip latch against the hard cardboard case, a sound which I can hear in my head even now … So even though my older brothers never quite could forgive any of them for breaking up, that was pre-history to me. And while they were old enough to appreciate All Things Must Past, and the Plastic Ono Band etc… It was years later before I backtracked through all that and learned to appreciate it all in my college years with Lennon’s passing etc… but at the time? I stayed loyal to the Top 40 God Paul, even when he WAS writing his “Silly Long Songs” (I even had more Ringo in that collection what with “Oh My My” and such, but hey I was what... 12? So the fact I was able to see Ringo live four years later was fitting I guess… stay tune for that stub story
Anyway, when it was announced that Paul was coming to Indy, I knew I had to go. At the time I was in Big Brother Big Sister program with a great kid named Josh Wood. So I knew his mother Paula Wood worked at a place now bought by Macy’s called Ayres, which had a Ticketmaster deep in the bowels of the store. I wasn't sure what there policy of employees versus public getting into the store but I knew she had a better chance than I would. I don’t remember the details of how she did end up getting in line or how far back she was, but bless her heart, she got me two tickets. Pretty sure it sold out quickly; because even with her advantage they were average seats, but I didn't care I had TICKETS!
A sad fact as will become apparent in Stub Story after story is that on far too many occasions, this was yet another example of taking someone to a concert that really had no interest in going. In fact, I don’t even think I was dating Judy Scott anymore. I may have asked when we were dating, or it could have just been the fact we are still good friend, and are still to this day, that had something to do with her agreeing to go. But with the concert actually being on VALENTINE DAY! was nothing more than sad irony to me…... Her taste in music didn't run much past Madonna with even a certain disdain for 60’s music. I remember saying oh I like the Madonna song “True Blue” “Oh that’s the only one I DON’T like. I hate that old sounding stuff” “Yeah? Well let go see the most famous 1960’s music ever then huh?” So yeah even though we weren't dating anymore and even though she probably didn't particularly care for the music etc… at least I wasn't dragging my sister to another concert.. So thanks for that Judy. I’m also positive she would have let keep the program that I just found out was handed out for free, and do remember having it for a while but I think is got water/beer stained either that night or later, and if I have still have it it’s buried deep in some box in the attic.
But as for me? I couldn't have been more excited as we approached downtown Indy heading for that Market Square Arena where I had already seen so many great acts going back to one of Paul’s favorite Mr. Elvis Presley. And so here again I was feeling the ‘historic’ occasion of seeing a Beatle
. Listening to Q95 radio station, I remember, the DJ talking about how great it was going to be to see Paul go crazy during “Hey Jude” Which was starting the chills down my spine… But not only was the suspense building for Beatles music I actually thought Flowers in the Dirt was a GREAT CD! His collaboration with Elvis Costello was a great success. As many pointed out Elvis’s cynical, sarcastic wit and turn of phrases brought a certain bite back to some of McCartney’s music that was missing since John Lennon. So for instance, when he launched into “My Brave Face” it wasn't a signal to get a beer or run to the restroom. It was GREAT! Okay… maybe I did get a beer during “Put It There”
Linda McCartney got a bad rap on her skills as a singer/musician but it was fun to see her and Paul have a give and take on stage. And when the band held up their big hearts for the Valentine’s Day ‘celebration’ it was nice to share in that very famous “couple’s” special night together
Even though I was a huge Paul McCartney/Wings fan in that I am pretty sure I have every vinyl album they put out … and would have been happy with a Wings encore & closing etc… but when he ended with the ultimate ending to any and every concert ever?
Well.. nobody can top that… ever… and I saw Paul McCartney close his show just that way...
Here’s the set list
And here’s some pretty extensive information on that particular tour including things like exactly who played what on which song: